Saturday, August 31, 2019

Servitude in Moliere’s Dom Juan

Throughout his lifetime, Moliere wrote many plays that depict the life of the French aristocrats. In these plays, he makes use of the character of the servant, whose presence is put in juxtaposition with their masters. The combination of the two characters usually causes social clash, thus providing the play a satirical tone. Particularly, in â€Å"Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre,† Moliere introduces an unforgettable servant character in the name of Sganarelle. Unlike the servants that appear in Moliere’s other plays, Sganarelle breaks the tradition of having servants take a minute role as he shares the position of his master in the lead role. This makes him the most important character among all servants Moliere ever created. The character of Sganarelle uniquely stands out among all servant characters in Moliere’s plays because of the large part he plays in â€Å"Dom Juan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . By assigning one of the main roles to a servant, Moliere attempts to expound on the subject of slavery in a different view. Through Sganarelle, Moliere makes clear his message regarding social division and the flaws of the upper class. Analysis of this character can therefore give a better understanding of the play, and of Moliere’s intention for writing plays of the hypocrite. Moliere’s plays of the hypocrite employ a common pattern with the use of loyal servants to care for their masters and be their guide in times of confusion. However, â€Å"Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre† provides a more in-depth characterization as it highlights the importance of a servant character in the life of a master. Throughout the play, Sganarelle’s role in Dom Juan’s life is highly emphasized. In fact, its emphasis could make the audience perceive the two characters as one. In their exchange of dialogues, Sganarelle somewhat serves as an extension of his master’s character, for he often agrees with Dom Juan despite the other’s illogical reasoning. He does this in order to put an end to his master’s prodding or mainly to show sign of respect. Nevertheless, this gesture does not affect the roundness of his character, but makes it all the more interesting. The two main characters in the play are placed in juxtaposition. Dom Juan embodies the upper class or the rich, while Sganarelle embodies the lower class or the common people. In putting them together, Moliere creates a balance between the good and evil, with Dom Juan as the evil character and Sganarelle as the good. In Sganarelle’s own words, he describes his master as â€Å"the greatest scoundrel that ever walked on earth, a madman, a dog, a devil, a Turk†¦a heretic who believes in neither Heaven nor saint, not God, nor bogeyman. (34-35). In Freudian psychology, we can refer to these two characters as the id and the ego, where Dom Juan is the id and Sganarelle is the ego. The two characters are contrasted in the play, with Sganarelle on the positive side opposite to that of his master. The contrast is mainly established with the way they behave and view things. Dom Juan is a typical Casanova whose life revolves around fooling his love interests. His main concern in lif e is to attract women and make them feel miserably in love. First, he woos them until they fall for him and agree for marriage but after that, he leaves them for the sake of another girl, much to the dismay of his servant. Sganarelle constantly warns Dom Juan of the retribution his acts may bring, but Dom Juan would often sway the argument to justify his actions, forcing Sganarelle to give up his point. Likewise, his stature prohibits the servant to condemn his master’s deeds. Though he is allowed to express his views, in the end he also allows his master to win, for he does not have a choice. He admits thus: †¦ I must be faithful to him however I feel. Fear makes me his accomplice. It stifles my feeling; and I often find applauding what I loathe with my very soul. † (35) As society declares, Sganarelle complies with his master’s orders. Due to fear of losing his job, he does what Dom Juan asks him to do, although it is against his will. He tells lies, swears things he does not mean, and covers up for his masterâ€⠄¢s shortcomings in the way the society expects a servant to behave. In complete contrast to his master’s character, Sganarelle is a man of faith. He embodies the common people who are weak and powerless yet are full of faith in God and religion. He exemplifies a believer whose only hope lies in God to save him from his unfortunate situation. With a strong faith, he declares that â€Å"one day the wrath of Heaven will strike him that’s for certain. † (35) His values are more in tact than that of his master; but he is not free to exercise his faith. Nevertheless, Dom Juan gives him the privilege to express himself, and when he does, he speaks his thoughts with some sarcasm: â€Å"Your heart is the greatest nomad that ever was. It likes to be always on the move. It hates to stay in one place for long together. † (36) Because he consents to the wrongdoings of Dom Juan, Sganarelle shares the sins of his master. This means that Sganarelle may be blamed for consenting to his master’s disloyalty to his love affairs. His awareness of this responsibility alone makes him feel uncomfortable; that is why he wishes God to punish his master in order to end up his spiritual agony. Similar to other servant characters in Moliere’s plays, Sganarelle serves as Dom Juan’s close companion. He follows his master wherever he goes, and obeys his will regardless of its consequences. He remains true to him despite the fact that he despises what the master does. The only good thing about Dom Juan is that he allows Sganarelle to speak his mind. In this sense, he shares similarity with the female servant Dorine in â€Å"Tartuffe,† (2000), who freely expresses her opinions on even the most sensitive matters regarding the family. However, unlike the female counterpart who speaks without reproach, Sganarelle is allowed to express his opinions only to a certain extent and upon summons by his master. Since it is very unlikely for Dom Juan to get confused by the deliberate decisions he makes, his effort to elicit opinion from Sganarelle is not because he needs advice on his affairs, but because it pleases him to argue with someone weaker such as his servant. He knows that Sganarelle will have no choice but to agree with him in the end, thus he takes advantage of his servant by winning every argument they have. Although Sganarelle looks weak in Dom Juan’s eyes, looking closely into his character, one may see the strength in him. Amid the struggles he bears in living with Dom Juan, he remains faithful to his faith. Even though he obeys his master, this does not eradicate his faith in God. In fact, it even makes it more intense. As Sganarelle struggles for freedom, his faith grows more each day, and the hope that he will soon be free from his master’s ill doings grows even more. He serves as the conscience that tells Dom Juan what is fair and just, appealing to him to repent and change his ways. In â€Å"Tartuffe† Dorine similarly plays the role of a conscience in Orgon’s life. When the master decides for his daughter to marry the hypocrite, Dorine tries to stop him, saying thus: â€Å"†¦he who weds his child against her will Owes heaven account for it, if she do ill. Think then what perils wait on your design. † (Act 2 S. 2) To a large extent, the similarity between Sganarelle and Dorine is their religious wisdom. Unlike other people who cannot distinguish between truth and hypocrisy, both of them see what lies beneath people’s acts of goodwill. In â€Å"Dom Juan.. † other people are fooled by Dom Juan’s appearance and his kind words except for Sganarelle who knows his master like the palm of his hand. (36) Dorine, on the other, sees the real intention of Tartuffe towards Orgon’s daughter, Mariane. She judges that his regular attendance at church is a sign of hypocrisy. Though Orgon refuses to believe her, she still insists on making him listen to her views because of her concern over Mariane’s future. Another servant character who speaks her mind freely is Nicole in â€Å"Middle-Class Gentleman† (2001). In this play, Nicole plays the servant in Monsieur Jourdain’s home. Finding fault in her master’s rather awkward and delayed interest in the ways of the rich (such as dancing, fencing, poetic speech, etc. ), she openly comments and laughs at Jourdain, much to his disappointment. However unlike Sganarelle or Dorine, Nicole finds support from her master’s wife, who despises her husband’s social climbing. This puts Nicole in a better position to be more outspoken of her opinions. In addition, compared to the other servants, Nicole contributes greatly to the comic elements in the play. Although the audience can find some humor in Sganarelle, it is only in the end that he could truly make the audience laugh while he cries over his lost wages. In contrast, Nicole’s appearance throughout the play is well-noted in her colourful dialogues that employ sarcasm and irony. Like Nicole, Dubois in â€Å"Le Misanthrope† (2000) also helps induce laughter from the audience with his farcical mistakes. The servants in Moliere’s plays serve different purposes. They take the role of a loyal companion, a critique, an advisor, and sometimes a fool. All these characteristics can be found in Sganarelle, making him an interesting servant in Moliere’s plays. This exposition triggers the question, Why did Moliere use a servant character instead of a friend whose status may be similar to that of Dom Juan? Indeed, assigning the role to a friend will make a different story, but one cannot help wonder about this issue. On the one hand, a best friend could likewise serve as a loyal companion and advisor, similar to the role played by Sganarelle. On the other hand, the role of the servant creates a more interesting story. First, it illustrates the conflict between the values of the rich and the poor. Compared to a friend, the servant who comes from a different background has a different set of values acquired from his own social orientation. Sganarelle’s social status affords him views about God and salvation, which are in conflict with his master. Just imagine, if the two characters come from the same background, they will probably connive to disillusion every girl they meet, thus limiting the conflict in the plot. Second, Sganarelle’s social status restricts him to speak his views blatantly. Hence, this causes more conflict towards himself than to his master. With a friend as the critique, the conflict will be between the two main characters, and this could make the plot very ordinary. However with a servant as the critique, the conflict resides only with the servant due to some limitations he has in expressing his thoughts. In the end, he builds a different conflict apart form his master’s, that is, how he could escape his master to avoid all the troubles. Third, with the servant character, the master falls into a pit that serves as his tragic flaw. Without its comic elements, the play would have been a complete tragedy, since Dom Juan maintains pride as his tragic flaw. He refuses to change his ways, believing that he is too powerful to have a need for God. Despite reminders from his servant, he continues with his evil ways, because as expected, he will never listen to a mere servant. As such, the servant character contributes to the master’s tragic flaw, which later leads him to his end. Considering this, one can sense a social commentary Moliere wants to impart through the play. By using the character of a servant, the playwright presents the reality that sometimes those in the lower class who lack proper education and possessions have better religious wisdom and piety than the rich. Through the role of the servant, the juxtaposition between the rich and the poor becomes more visible and effective. Finally, the use of the servant in the play gives it a humorous tone. Specifically, Sganarelle’s lousy effort to cover up for his master’s faults, together with his inner monologues, makes the play interesting and funny. At the end, those who watch it will find themselves pondering on the message of the play at the same time laughing at Sganarelle crying, â€Å"My wages! My wages! My wages! † (47)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Perception of Organized Crime Essay

Organized crime has been defined as illegal acts committed by a criminal organization or group. The NCIS (2005) described organized crime as having 4 salient attributes: (1) organized crime group contains at least three people; (2) the criminal activity the group engages in is ongoing and indefinite in duration; (3) the group is motivated by a desire for profit or power; and, (4) the group commits serious criminal offenses (Lynman & Potter, 2007). There are different categories of organized criminal behavior. They include the provision of illicit services, provision of illicit goods, conspiracy to commit crime, penetration of legitimate business, extortion, and corruption. Illicit services are services that legitimate business do not provide. These services include but are not limited to gambling that is illegal, protection rackets, loan sharking, and prostitution. Illicit goods are also not available not available from legitimate businesses. Illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are examples of illicit goods. Unregistered guns and stolen property are also examples of illicit goods. Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to violate the law. Conspiracy is a vital category of organized criminal behavior. Organized crime members often work together for the purpose of making money. They work together to sell drugs, stolen property, loan sharking, gambling, prostitution and other illegal activities they have going on within their organization. Organized crime organizations have no legal way to spend their profits so they must hide their revenue. They do this by penetrating legal businesses. Many of these crime organizations have businesses such as construction and contractors. Extortion is another category of organized crime. Many organized crime organizations use extortion to infiltrate legitimate businesses. Extortion is the use or threatened use of violence or force to achieve a criminal end (Lynman & Potter, 2007). Corruption is also a category of organized crime. Many of these organized crime groups could not  flourish if it wasn’t for for the aid of pubic and private figures such as police officers, judges, prosecutors, mayors, bankers, attorneys, and elected and appointed officials. Organized crime groups have different hierarchies. There is the standard hierarchy in which there is a single organized crime group which is led by a single powerful individual. These organizations have clearly defined roles, a readily identified chain of command, and a hierarchy that is designed to provide a strong system of internal discipline. Then there is the regional hierarchy. These hierarchies are tightly controlled groups with strong systems of internal discipline and clearly defined roles and lines of authority. Next there’s the clustered hierarchy. This is an organized crime group that involves a number of smaller organized crime groups that coordinate their activities and enterprises. There is also a core group. This is an unstructured group of organized criminal surrounded by a larger network of individuals engaged in serious criminal activity. Finally, there’s the criminal network. Criminal networks are loosely organized, highly adaptable, very fluid of networks of individual participants who organize themselves around ongoing criminal enterprise (Lynman & Potter, 2007). The perception I had of organized crime is different from what I read in week one. Before this week, I always associated the Mob or the Mafia with organized crime. I think this comes from the movies and television shows that I have watched. I described organized crime as a group of people working for a â€Å"boss† to break the law. I thought that there was one head and people reported to him. I did not know that there were different categories of organized crime. I always associated drug trafficking and murder for hire as organized crimes. The readings have helped me to understand what organized crime really is and who is or can be involved. Before now, I would have never associated corruption or extortion with organized crime. I ultimately believed that this was something that was made up for movies and TV shows such as The Godfather, Scarface, The Sopranos, and The Wire. Before watching The Wire, I only associated Italians with organized crime. The characteristics I believe are associated  with organized criminal behavior varies. First, all members of the organization are expected to live by a certain set of rules or a code. They should protect the organization and do what is asked of them by the leaders. I thought the characteristics of organized criminal behavior were similar to that of a gang. The people involved in organized crime may not wear a certain color or live in a certain area but they have the same goal in mind. Protect the group by any means necessary. They have to be loyal to the group, do what they are told by someone else, and do what it takes to make money or a profit for the group. After this first week of class my views on organized crime has changed drastically. I now have a better understanding of what organized crime is and a more knowledge on organized criminal groups. I can let go of all of the stereotypes I may have had and now understand that organized criminal organizations have one goal in mind, make a profit for the organization no matter if it is financial or political. References Lyman, M., & Potter, G. (2007). Understanding Organized Crime. Organized Crime (Fourth ed., pp. 1-38). New York: Pearson Education.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case Study Analysis of Casual Togs

Introduction The present-day business environment is characterized by increasing competitiveness in different industries. In this regard, it is vital for organizations to ensure that all their functions or departments are aligned towards being ahead of their competitors (Rugman et al., 2012). There is a wide range of problems that may adversely affect the progress and competitiveness of organizations. These include structural problems, communication, management issues and failure to embrace change. Given that there is no fixed approach to management that is ideal for all organizations, each company has to ensure that it adopts the most ideal approach, which can be determined by several factors in the internal and external factors that are specific to the company (Hill et al., 2014). Businesses also need to ensure that they are flexible enough to promptly change in response to the adjustments that might be taking place in the tastes and preferences of their clients or even the tactics that their c ompetitors in the industry are using. Companies that are not flexible enough might fail to maintain their relevance towards their target market segments and lose their competitive edge (Carter et al., 2013). This report presents a case analysis of Casual Togs, a women’s apparel company that is known for its moderately priced products. Most of the company’s products are blouses, shorts and knit dresses. In the analysis, the report highlights the problems that are being faced by the company and the factors that might have contributed to these issues. The importance of addressing these issues in a business is that it provides a guidance or basis for formulating strategies that will help to improve the company’s performance. The report also provides recommendations for Cy, Casual Togs’ principal stockholder, on the changes that he needs to make in the company. It also provides recommendations on how the company should change its management practice, structure and response to change, so as to avoid a recurrence or the problems it faces. The major problems facing the firm With reference to the case study of Casual Togs, there are a number of problems that are currently being faced by the company. One of these is that many of its products are being returned by consumers because of their low quality. For any business, the quality of products that are offered to clients is among the key attributes that determine its performance in the market (Bhardwaj & Fairhurst, 2010). For Casual Togs, this also led to the loss of a major portion of its old loyal consumers. It also posed a challenge to the company in attracting new clients. Consequences of this issue include a drop in the company’s revenue and its overall brand position in the industry. It has also been outlined in the case study that the company also faces stiff competition from companies that have long been in the apparels industry as well as new upcoming ones. Another issue that faces Casual Togs lies in the human resource department. The company has failed to attract the necessary skills for it to run successfully. This is evidenced by the halt in the construction of the company’s distribution centre in the middle of the construction, which was attributed to the fact that the company did not get a qualified person who could supervise the construction project. In addition to this, two of the company’s designers resigned. This contributed to a drop in the company’s overall production in its nine centres by approximately 15%. The fact that Andy Johnson, the company’s budget manager and Sol Green, the market analyst could not speak to one another also clearly depicts a communication flaw among the employees in the firm. Judy, who was the company’s vice president, is also depicted in the case study as being aggressive in her communication with other employees. There are several incidents mentioned in the case study that highlight the failure by a section of the company’s executives and employees to embrace change. For instance, Judy objected most of the proposed changes, arguing that they were either too expensive or that they had been suggested by incompetent individuals. Another incident was when Andy rejected suggestions that were made by Bill Smith, his assistant, on new approaches that could be used in the collation and analysis of daily sales printouts so as to make better sales forecasts. Even though there are several other issues that are faced by Casual Togs in its operations, three main issues have been outlined in this section. These include the decline in the company’s competitiveness, human resource issues and the resistance to change among a section of the company’s staff. Causes of the Problems The first problem about the company is the fact that it is losing its old customers, and more of its products are being returned as a result of either poor quality or late delivery to customers. For any business to effectively win over the loyalty of its target customers, it has to be dependable in terms of the products and services it delivers (Dervitsiotis, 2011). Prolonged incidences of poor quality products and services or inconsistencies tend to repel customers. As earlier mentioned, there is high competition on the apparel and fashion industry, which also increases the purchasing power of buyers. Failure of one company meet consumer expectations, regardless of how slightly the gap may be, will make even the loyal customers to switch brands (Talib et al., 2011). Late delivery of products to customers also denotes the incompetence of the department that is concerned with the delivery of the company’s products. Another issue that is affecting Casual Togs lies in the human resource management approaches. With reference to the case study presented, there is evidence of a lack of equal of opportunities for career advancement in the company. An example is Andy, who had worked with the company for 15 years without any promotion because was not related with the other managers and was also of a different nationality. According to Choi et al. (2012), one of the causes of employee turnover is the failure of organizations to provide all the employees with a chance to attain their ultimate career goals. The aggressive nature with which Judy addresses employees in the organization also intimidates the employees and lowers their self esteem. This has an adverse effect on the organizational commitment of employees and has and ultimately, affects their levels of productivity (Adler, 2013; Lutgen-Sandvik & Tracy, 2012). The issue of rigidity and failure to embrace change has also contributed to the problems being faced by Casual Togs. One of the organizational aspects that have led to this is the fact that Cy, the company’s president gave all the departmental heads the freedom to make decisions that they considered to be fit for the organization. Whereas it can be argued as an approach that is relevant to the present-day business environment, it poses a challenge to decision making when rapid change are to be made because the opinions of every departmental supervisor have to be considered (Myers et al., 2012). These factors have affected the effectiveness with which Casual Togs adjusts in response to the changes in the market, leading to its dwindling performance. This shows the need for organizations to be flexible enough to maintain its relevance to the target markets (Dervitsiotis, 2011). This section has presented some of the main factors that have led to the existence of the issues that faced by Casual Togs. These include the failure of the company to adhere to quality in the design of its products and the failure to motivate employees, which adversely affects their levels of commitment. Several measures have to be put in place to ensure that the earlier mentioned issues have been overcome. Suggestions for changes to be implemented by Cy, Casual Togs’ President In regard to the issues that have been earlier identified, there are different approaches that ought to be used to change the current situation of the organization. With regard to the quality issues that have led to a loss of clients by the company and increased returns of goods, the direct measure that has to be taken is to ensure that the designers of the company’s apparel products pay attention to detail so as to enhance the quality of the products (Bhardwaj & Fairhurst, 2010). There is also a need to intensify the quality management process to ensure that defective products are minimized (Rosenfeld, 2012). As presented in the case study, market research that is carried out mainly focuses in the levels of sales that should be expected in certain seasons. However, it is also vital for the organization to incorporate the on-going trends in fashion so as to effectively address customer needs (Witell et al., 2011). Human resources in any organization are among the most valuable assets, and have a key contribution towards its overall success. However, it is vital for organizations to motivate them so as to increase their productivity and organizational commitment (Bratton & Gold, 2012). One of issues that are evident at Casual Togs is that employees from a certain nationality are more likely to be promoted than the other employees. In this regard, Cy, the company’s president, needs to ensure that an equality policy is implemented to provide all employees with an equal chance of promotion within the organizational ranks (Giuliano et al., 2011). This will not only motivate employees to work more, but will also attract talented job seekers. The management meetings that were held between managers and other departmental leaders within the organization were informal, marred with emotionally charged arguments, shouting and door slamming. This is a clear indication of the failure to recognize authority an order during these meetings. It is also quite unlikely that such meetings met the intended objectives. To avoid recurrence of such scenarios, the company’s president needs to change the way board meetings are held from informal to formal (Diefenbach & Todnem, 2012). This will instil a sense of order, and will increase the possibilities of attaining the goals set to be met in the meetings. In the presented case, there is evidence of interference of departmental operations by managers or vice presidents of different departments. An individual from a different department could question an action carried out in another department that has no connection to his. Whereas there is need for cross-functional communication and cooperation within an organization (Hongjun & Yajia, 2012), such interferences as those depicted at Casual Togs are destructive. To limit this, the company’s president needs to change the structure of the organization (Deb, 2009). Suggestions to prevent future issues at Casual Togs To prevent future problems from occurring at the organization, it is necessary for Casual Togs to ensure that it makes the necessary adjustments. These include structural changes, management practices and their response to changes taking place in the competitive environment. Suggestions for change are provided in further detail below.Management PracticeThere are a number of changes that ought to be made in the management practices of Casual Togs. The individual in management that raises concern in the case study is Judy, the vice president. Her aggression towards employees, as well as her interference with operations across all departments within the organization, has to be addressed. Given that she is among the majority shareholders in the company and related to the president, there is no possibility of sacking her from the position she holds. Instead, she needs to be encouraged to attend management seminars so as to improve her employee management approach (Bratton & Gold, 2012). R ather than being autocratic in her management and aggressive in communicating with other employees in the organization, she needs to change and become a persuasive or democratic in her management and assertive in communication (Adler, 2013). In persuasive management, managers provide a clear explanation to their employees as to why they have made a certain decision. In democratic management, employees are allowed to make suggestions in the decision making process, and the opinion with the highest votes is selected (Hill et al., 2014). By being assertive in communication, points or arguments are firmly put across to other employees, but respect is still maintained (Adler, 2013). Cy’s approach of management is too lenient to departmental heads within the organizations. This has also affected the way in which he handles suppliers, who often take advantage of his leniency to secure tenders even though they are supplying products at a higher price. Even though his consultative approach to management allows departmental heads to take part in decision making, there is still a need for him to exercise authority, especially when holding meetings with them (Diefenbach & Sillince, 2012).Structural ChangeBefore making a suggestion on the structural changes that ought to be implemented in the organization, it is vital to describe the organizational structure of Casual Togs as depicted in the case study. Based on the informal nature of meetings between departmental heads and the company’s president and the lack of a clear hierarchy of authority in the firm, it can be argued that the organizational structure of the company is adhocratic (Deb, 2009). Even tho ugh such a structure is ideal in encouraging creativity and innovation among employees and effectively adjusting with the changes in the market, it also has several demerits. These include a difficulty to solve routine problems that may arise in the organization, an unclear line of authority and high exposure of the organization to risk (Diefenbach & Todnem, 2012). With reference to the case study, even though Judy is the vice president, she seems to have more authority that the company’s president, Cy. In this regard, the company needs to consider changing its structure to a more formal and well structured bureaucratic structure (Dervitsiotis, 2011). Even though such structures are known to limit innovation and creativity within the organization, it may be ideal for Casual Togs for a number of reasons. These include easing the decision making process, reduction of the exposure to risk and the acknowledgement of a certain structure of authority that has to be adhered to (Bratton & Gold, 2012). Implementing such a structure is likely to eliminate the emotionally charged informal meetings’ scenarios and also the interference of individuals like Judy in all organizational departments.Responding to Changes in the Competitive EnvironmentBased on the fact that the apparels industry is highly competitive and dynamic, it is also necessary for the company to be flexible enough and ready to implement changes that will maintain its relevance to the target markets (Rugman et al., 2012). One of the measures that have to be undertaken to attain this objective is to intensify market research and carry it out on a regular basis. This could be through seeking customer feedback or studying the changing trends through observation. Market research also involves studying the tactics or strategies that are being used by competing companies in the industry (Witell et al., 2011). It is through these market research efforts that the Casual Togs will be able to adjust its product designs and marketing strategies to fit the market preferences while at the same time ensuring that it effectively competes with other players in the market. Maintaining a competitive edge in the industry also depends on the skills that the company has in its human resource force (Dervitsiotis, 2011). It is important for Casual Togs to hire employees that are not only qualified, but also innovative enough to come up with designs that will be well accepted by the target markets. Innovation can also be nurtured among employees in the organization by utilizing appropriate motivational and reward strategies (Wright et al., 2012). Workers at Casual Togs also need to be informed on the inevitability of change in organizations, and why they should always be ready for it. By so doing, resistance to change among employees will be reduced. Some of the changes that may need to be implemented at Casual Togs include technological advancements in the production of its apparel and alteration of product designs to reflect the needs in the market (Myers et al., 2012). Conclusion and RecommendationsConclusionThis report has presented a case study analysis of Casual Togs, a fashion business that mainly deals in the manufacture and distribution of women’s apparels. After two decades of operation, the company’s performance in the market dropped due because of a number of reasons, which have been highlighted in the report. One of these is the poor quality of products, which led to an increase in the volume of returned products. It also led to the withdrawal of many old customers. Another issue that has been identified is the failure to keep employees motivated enough to increase their organizational commitment. The causes of these issues at Casual Togs have also been presented in the paper, as well as some suggestions on how the president of the company can make the necessary changes to improve the situation at the company. Suggestions that have been provides comprise of management changes, structural changes and how the company can respo nd faster to changes and competition in the market. Further recommendations that can improve the company’s brand position are presented hereunder.RecommendationsIn order for the company to appeal to a wider market and increase its returns, it needs to consider expanding its product line. As opposed to the current products that only target ladies, Casual Togs can also consider introducing men’s and children’s clothes. As presented in the case, the products that the company distributes are mainly shorts, blouses and some knit dresses. Introduction of other female apparel like skirts, trench coats and pants can also be advantageous for the company. The case has also highlighted the high costs of production that the company incurs. Though some of these costs are inevitable, the company can reduce the overall costs by using appropriate lean production strategies, which are aimed to minimize the cost and maximize production. Some of the approaches that can be used include minimization or even elimination of errors in the design and production of products and standardization of work processes. In terms of human resource management, the company needs to ensure that it hires and strives to maintain talented and innovative employees that will contribute towards its progress in the market. Some of the approaches to motivation include offering them a reasonable remuneration and rewarding them for unique contribution. Given that the fashion industry is quite competitive, failure to motivate and retain skilled employees may tempt them to cross over and work for competitor companies, which may be detrimental for Casual Togs. References Adler, G., 2013. Management Communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Bhardwaj, V. & Fairhurst, A., 2010. Fast fashion: response to changes in the fashion industry. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20(1), pp.165-73. Bratton, J. & Gold, J., 2012. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice (5th edition). London: Palgrave. Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S. & Mossholder, K.W., 2013. Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(7), pp.942-58. 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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

HRM Case Study on Home Depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HRM Case Study on Home Depot - Essay Example ces in which men and women were diverted to certain types of jobs based on their gender since the company believed that their productivity would be higher by placing these workers in specific areas. Home Depot separated women and men workers into two separate categories of workers. Men were given most of the floor position based on the belief that men have more general knowledge about home repairs, while women were given most of the cashier positions based on the assumption that they are more suitable for these jobs and the fact that the resume pool showed that more women have experience as cashiers than men do. The end result of this practice was that the composition of the jobs at Home Depot followed a peculiar distribution which proved Home Depot was intentionally segmenting the jobs among gender. The work employment data of Home Depot showed that 70% of men work as floor employees, while 70% of women worked in cashier positions. This type of discrimination is a type of discrimination called statistical discrimination. Statistical discrimination findings are most commonly used to detect racial discrimination cases, but the underlying principles of the discrimination apply th e same for gender bias as it does for racial bias. Statistical discrimination occurs when an employer makes a hiring or work placement decision based on subjective beliefs about the respective probability that white and black workers are respectively qualified for (People). In the Home Depot case instead of black and white the statistical discrimination occur based on man and women segmentation. The business strategy the company utilized had a solid foundation and was the driving force behind the move. Men have culturally in our society have been the ones that do most of the household repairs, thus the company wanted to capitalize on this fact in order to enhance their customer service capabilities. The company knew they were doing something illegal and wanted to hide the illegal activity

Assig 14 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assig 14 - Essay Example It runs deep within the corporate culture. Worth remarked, â€Å"Culture comes from purpose. They changed their purpose from quality to growth and the behavior changed accordingly. In a sense, with that change in purpose, some trouble was inevitable.†(Worth,2010) At the same time, Toyota found itself struggling to inculcate newcomers in the companys unique culture -- The Toyota Way. Kazuo Akatsuka, 55, saw the generational change first-hand and worried at the signs of change..(Layne, 2010) b.2) Family ownership of the Toyoda family of the company. Ownership and Leadership can be considered as a deterrent factor for innovations in the company. If the owner and at the same time head or CEO is weak, then failures of the company could be reflective of a bad leadership. For example, Reuter’s article described, â€Å" Toyota President Akio Toyoda was criticized for not acting quickly enough when the automakers safety issues first came to light earlier this year †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Kim, C.R., 2010). Primarily, to address the quality sleepage in view of the total recall campaign, Toyota now commits to achieve â€Å"zero customer complaints† (Toyota, 2010) and its strategies are more inclined to be Incremental technological innovation characterized by technological change that represents a continual refinement of some base technology. Now that they have discovered the root of the problem, TMC vowed to stretch out their workforce to do the refinements. (Layne,,2010) After years of sterling reliability and the final setback with the Total Recall Campaign, President A. Toyoda remarked, "We need a renewed commitment to placing customers first and to reviewing all our work processes from the customers perspective," (Kim, 2010). The above question would be similar to Takeuchi’s question â€Å"how does the company (TMC) cope up with the hazards of constant change and growth?â€Å" The answer is they

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analyze and compare the union and employer campaign processes Essay

Analyze and compare the union and employer campaign processes - Essay Example e their co-workers and campaign for setting up a good union and leadership and then comes the processes in which the employers involve in campaigning, followed by a comparative analysis. Basically, we have a tendency to relate unions for public sector companies where in every company there are thousands of workers and unions are formed independently for each one of them. But then it wouldn’t be fair to shun the fate of small companies’ employees who are vulnerable to any inhumane actions taken by the employer. Thus the concept of â€Å"Minority Union† arises where a single union is formed which constitutes of workers from across an industry joining hands under one roof and fighting for their rights and protection. Usually if a Union election has to be conducted the workers need to approach the NLRB which then looks for the number of supporters proposing for the union. Thus the method of signing the card is involved where employees sign there interests for a union. Though the National Labour Relations Act says that even if 25% or less number of employees want to form an union, it should be facilitated provided it is to engage in mutually beneficial activities but the NLRB looks for 70% or more employees have signed the card will the board go forward with the conduction of election else it wouldn’t . As said before if the employees don’t have the required numbers to form an union then it is left with the choice to seek support from a general labor organisation or it can go to form a minority union as said before, where there is one organisation for an industry which has employees from across the plethora of stores of that industry. The latter option is a better one because the problem faced by the employees in a particular industry can well be understood and emphasized only by his counterpart in the same industry; else it would become a perfunctory support extended to the employees which wouldn’t be fruitful. Thus the minority union should have a

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Global Drug Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Global Drug Trade - Essay Example The global narcotics traffic once contained to Europe and America, exploded as heroin production shifted to the South-East Asian market. The once straightforward drug route of Marseille-New York shifted to a complex web of global trafficking that â€Å"tied rising First World consumption to spreading Third world production† (McCoy 2003). On the supply end, developing countries were undergoing economic hardship and people were searching for lucrative solutions to supplement their incomes. Organized crime and drug cartels emerged to capitalize on this growing market. Increased production resulted in ``increased trafficking and availability of drugs in developed countries and transit countries, thus contributing to an overall spread and expansion of demand`` (Reichel 2004). By the 1980s, drugs were wreaking havoc on local communities across the globe. In North America, cocaine was the drug of choice, both for South American cartels and global consumers. Panama, Columbia, and Mexi co became huge producers of cocaine with transit routes passing through Central America and into the U.S and Canada. Crack, a cheaper and more addictive version of cocaine emerged and with devastating consequences to poor communities. By 1986, the American â€Å"war on drugs† was in full swing, with the Reagan Administration pouring 1.7 billion into the cause (Frontline 2008). While the U.S struggled to deal with the increasing prevalence of cocaine and crack, Europe was battling against a growing heroin problem. e problem. Switzerland in particular was facing "one of the highest rates of heroin addiction in Europe" (Foulkes 2008) According to McCoy, during the 1980s, Afghanistan became Europe's main opium supplier, due primarily to CIA covert operations that served to transform southern Asia from a self-contained opium zone into a major supplier of heroin for the world market. He states: "CIA intervention provided the political protection and logistic linkages that joined Afghanistan's poppy fields to heroin markets in Europe and America" (McCoy 1991). Although the war on drugs made headway in combating drug use in the North America, by the 1990s, the production and consumption of drugs was on the rise again. This time due, primarily, to the end of the Cold War. TRENDS IN GLOBAL DRUG TRAFFICKING With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former Soviet countries were in a state of economic collapse. The result was complex but included: "the shipment of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Race Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Race - Assignment Example Femininity is especially differentiated by masculinity in the means of their beauty and is seen as elements that help satisfy the masculine desire for sex and intimacy. They are not really devalued by the overall society and have an important role to play in the society, but the way they are controlled leads to their devaluation. The system of patriarchy views them as fragile and due to this perception they are mostly redeemed important to carry out functions such as caring for others and these functions carried out by females is recognized as Pink-collar labor and these jobs are even regarded as blue-collar labor as these jobs require lower amount of skills. According to Kimmel, manhood can be described as homophobia which is the fear of being unmasked by other males of failing to be a real man (Rothenberg 91). He even defines manhood as flight from feminine as boys tend to prove that they do not have traits that are shared by females and lastly Kimmel defines manhood as power relat ions in which males tend to exhibit behaviors that represent masculinity. 2. By the period of the 18th century, whiteness and the term white which was used to differentiate between the white races of America from other races became very popular and this kind of differentiation among people is recognized as overt racism. The term is used to give a certain population of America a better status in different spheres of life. Immigrants were never treated well in US and they have been exploited mainly due to Xenophobia which is regarded as the fear that a particular society experiences from foreign elements. Institutional racism was in practice and employees who migrated from foreign regions were treated differently as compared to the whites. Not only those already living in US were able to gain the status of being white, some immigrants such as the Jews were even regarded as white folks because of their excellence in the academic sphere during the 1920s (Rothenberg 38). There were other reasons due to which Jews were no longer seen as immigrants or people from the inferior class. One of the main reasons was the program of affirmative action which was not actually created for the purpose of decreasing discrimination against Jews. According to this program, even the migrants from the European nations such as Jews were categorized as whites. The black slaves in US were referred to as chattel slavery as they were recognized as assets owned by their owners by the law and these assets could be bought or sold. Restricted naturalized citizenship is a term used to refer to those individual who were recognized as citizens and were free white individuals and had lived in US for over two years and this citizenship was awarded under the Naturalization Act of 1970. It is quite difficult to define the national culture of America as there are huge numbers of people from different parts of the world and different religions who follow different practices. 3. Under legitimate chatte l slavery practiced in US, the black slaves were suppressed for several years and during this period the whites continue to increase their wealth and the blacks continued to experience worse economic conditions. The blacks were even suppressed by law as laws were made in the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson in which the court of law ruled that the blacks and whites of US had access to separate resources. Due to this, even today the whites have

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Movie Review - There will be Blood Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

- There will be Blood - Movie Review Example Daniel Plainview is even proud to let people know that his life revolves around the crimes he committed as this was evident in his charismatic lifestyle. Every man must reap what they sow and this was the case of Daniel as the evil that he did lived after him. It all started in 1902, when Daniel Plainview, a miner discovered oil and sets up his own oil drilling company and after some period, he lost one of his workers, whose son, H.W (Dillon Freasier) he later adopted. Events began to unfold as Plainview was intimated by Paul Sunday of the presence of oil in his family land in Little Boston, California (Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O’Connor, Ciaran Hinds & Dillon Freasier). Plainview saw the oil site in Paul Sunday’s (Paul Dano) Little Boston as a good way to make money and he took a trip to the city. He met the disapproval of Paul Sunday’s twin brother, Eli Sunday, whose role was also played by Paul Dano and he had to seek the consent of their father in obtaining the land. After procuring the land, oil exploration started and it was no sooner that evil started manifesting in the land and it makes one think that the land must have been a cursed land. One of the workers on the land was accidently killed in the course of the oil exploration and this was one of the many evil that was in the film. An explosion later happened, that made Plainview’s adopted son, H.W somewhat deaf (Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O’Connor, Ciaran Hinds & Dillon Freasier). Daniel Plainview’s evil started manifesting when he and his son travelled to New Boston, California to meet a preacher named, Eli Sunday and tells him of his ambition of drilling the oil in their family land, something that Eli Sunday accepted reluctantly not knowing that Daniel had some evil in him. Eli Sunday accepted Daniel’s proposal based on the condition that he would help fund his

Friday, August 23, 2019

BUSINESS STRATEGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BUSINESS STRATEGY - Essay Example Strategy is the other term for business planning to obtain competitive advantage in the market and to analyze the future events to operate successfully in uncertainty. The business strategies of an organization aim at bringing out strategic decisions about the choice of products, customer needs, and new opportunities in the terms of market and technology and other important decisions which help the firm to gain a competitive advantage in the market. The business houses cannot take appropriate and important decisions without the availability of the complete information of the external environment. Business organizations cannot run in vacuum and it has to involve the external environment. There are many related parties to the business like the customers, society, environment, employees, creditors etc. It is very important for the firm to have a complete knowledge about its internal and external environments. A thorough study of the internal and external processes of the organization helps it to understand its strengths by establishing the points or the areas where the organization is good at as well as understanding its weaknesses, the areas where further improvement is required. This analysis would further help in understanding the external environments to understand the scope of the organization in the future. The strategic planning and recommendation requires the thorough understanding of the internal environments of the organi zation so as to plot the strategies accordingly, for the maximization of the benefits drawn from the strategies. The stake holders of an organization play an important part in the policy formation and implementation of the strategies.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

My Experience, My Goals Essay Example for Free

My Experience, My Goals Essay I grew up in a country whose native language is not English. So, needless to say, the move from my native country to the United States has been difficult primarily because of the communication barriers I had to contend with. However, while English might not have been my first language, I grew up learning the language nevertheless. In my home, we had access to English shows which I was constantly exposed to at a very young age. This is the reason why I learned English without much conscious effort. The language learning was taking place at the sub-conscious level. Lu (2) said that in the acquisition of oral language, â€Å"young children are active agents†, constantly making sense of the inputs that they get from their surroundings in way that is meaningful to them. From these meanings, children then create their own sense of language rules, constantly refining and redefining these rules through active engagement and communication with the more competent language users in their immediate environment. (Lu 3) I realize that the constant exposure to the English language at a young age is the reason why I grew up knowing how to use it. There was never a conscious effort on my part to use or learn English, because it was already ingrained in my person. While the people in my household are not proficient in the language, there was an effort to know it, perhaps in preparation for our migration to the US. I had access to English books which strengthened my phonological and print awareness of the English alphabet. This happened side by side while I was learning my mother language as well and while my parents and older siblings were trying to learn English as well. As a child with a facility for the English language, I was subject to an excess of attention that I would not have received otherwise, had I just spoken our native tongue and nothing else. There is a prestige attached to the English language that makes people in my country take a second look and listen closely to what I have to say. Such is the high stature of the English language in my country that most people associate it with affluence and breeding. The situation changed once my family made the move to the United States. If you are multi-lingual, you are regarded as ethnic, especially if your pronunciation has a very thick and recognizable accent. You will be subject to stereotyping, and in some cases, be even regarded as second class citizens. While I am not saying that everyone will react negatively to your accent or your use of your mother language, it is a reality that there are some people who regard that with some amount of condescension. It is not necessarily a bad thing, just a natural part of human nature. Because language is one fundamental aspect of culture, it is therefore only natural that we become defined or identified by our native language. Difficulties can arise if we are not fluent in the standard language being used in a particular place. In such cases, when we do not know the standard language, we are immediately labeled as â€Å"foreigners†, or not born native to that place. While to some people this may not matter, the truth is that there are people who will take this against you. If there is any field that multilingualism is always an advantage, in the United States or elsewhere, and that is in the world of business. This is especially true in the age of globalism, where most business have international operations as well. Being multilingual means that I will be able to communicate with my colleagues at work, and at the same time be able to communicate with a client or supplier who speaks my native language. Actually, upon deeper reflection of my experiences, I have come to the conclusion that people do not react to your multilingualism as much as they are reacting to the accent or how you speak the English language. The more neutral your accent or the better your â€Å"American twang†, the better people regard you. And this is true regardless or what place you are in. What we speak and how we speak, reflects our history as an individual. How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be. Knowing how to speak in a second language will not be of much value if you cannot be understood because of how you say it. Pronunciation can be a barrier in communication, so being able to say words correctly is crucial. The good news is that once, you are fluent in English, the process of neutralizing the accent will come naturally especially in a natural English environment. After all is said and done, there is great satisfaction in not just being fluent in a second language, but also being able to say it properly and clearly. And this is what I am focusing on: working on fluency and pronunciation at the same time. In an era of globalization where English is the language of trade, the ability to communicate in the English language is a definite advantage. However with that being said, the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten. The respect that we have for our own cultural heritage renders us with our own unique identities. And in an era of globalization, where everything is being homogenized we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose ourselves. Works Cited Lu, Mei-Yu, Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts, ERIC Digest, 1998, Retrieved: April 14, 2008 from http://www. ericdigests. org/1999-2/language. htm

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Emerging Trends Essay Example for Free

Emerging Trends Essay Communications technology is progressing at light-speed, seemingly shrinking our world, as we can now communicate and conduct business in real time around the globe. Through innovations such as high-speed modem technology, businesses and people can share new ideas with friends and colleagues from the farthest lands. As more people and businesses strive to globalize, existing communication technologies are overloading, as they have approached the limitations of todays available hardware. To gain higher speed access to the available information over the Internet, there are many factors one must research, as they ultimately work together. These factors include hardware, choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP), as well as a modem, which will be used to send and receive the data via the Internet. The intent of this document is to review the latest high-speed technologies for improving information access using the Internet. By understanding these new technologies, one can make a more informed decision when choosing their hardware and ISP. Choosing Hardware for Individual Needs: Computer Choices To gain faster Internet access requires choosing a faster computer that best suits ones needs. In determining the type of computer to purchase, one should first determine the application in which it will be used most. Applications such as word processing, computer games, and Internet access, all require various hardware and operating systems. Today, there are three main choices for computers, which include laptops, PCs, and hand-held devices. Until recently, we only needed to decide on the type and speed of the processor that we wanted in our new computer, since most of the Intel Pentium based computers had a data bus with a maximum speed of 66 MHz (PC World, 2000, July, p. 33). With the release of the new Intel 100 MHz bus architecture, this has changed, as the new line of Pentium II and Pentium III processors use this new bus instead of the older 66 MHz bus (PC World, 2000, July, p. 33). Needless to say, a PC equipped with this much power will surely increase the communication spee d between the processor and components in the computer. The main advantage of a notebook computer, versus a desktop, is the size and portability. Due to their smaller size, notebooks are the computer of choice for people that have limited space in their office or home. A typical notebook computer will contain either an Intel Celeron, Pentium III, or AMD K6 processor, which all range in speed, while the more common speeds vary from 600 MHz to 850 MHz (PC World, 2000, July, p. 37). The price of a standard notebook computer typically ranges between $1200 to $1900. Introduced in 1996, handheld computers, also known as Palm Pilots and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), have been gaining in popularity. These devices are portable and are no larger than a palm-size calculator. One of the most popular models on the market today is the Visor, offered in three models, ranging from $149 to $249 (Businessweek Online website, November 15, 1999, p. 192). While the speed of a handheld computer may vary, according to one source, the Palm Vx model runs slightly faster than other handhelds. It runs with a 20mhz processor versus the 16mhz found in other models (Palmgear website, 2000). Most palms come with standard applications like an address book, calculator, and a date book. Newer palms will also allow the user e-mail capabilities, using a memo pad similar to the Windows notepad. Since Internet access is now available as an option for handheld computers, they are a viable choice for consumers. Choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Next, one needs to decide on an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and whether it is for personal or business use. Today, many companies offer free Internet Service to consumers and businesses. Broadband Digital Group (BDD) offers free dial up service at no additional cost, and is available nationwide. Another free ISP is, which allows customers to shop online and receive various discounts on items purchased with Kmart. Free ISPs are economical and provide many of the services of fee based ISPs, such as sending and receiving email, web surfing, and online shopping.   Although some people find free ISPs to be economical, there are some disadvantages. Free ISPs represent less than 13 percent of the market, and are used as an alternate means to connect online (Fusco, 1999, pars. 4-6). With this, the customer is provided with Internet access, but not the quality service that is provided by most fee-based ISPs. In some cases, free ISPs do not provide consumers with high-spee d delivery, which results in slower connection speeds. According to a recent report by Patricia Fusco, fee-based Internet access service providers are among the elite and provide high quality, high speed, and wireless services. The top rated ISPs are, ATT WorldNet, EarthLink, Inc., MSN, America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy. All of these services can provide consumers with high-speed service, good customer service, and technical support (Fusco, 2000a, pars. 2-10). There are, however, some disadvantages with fee-based ISPs, as the monthly billing fees can range from $7.00-$40.00 per month. In addition, providers such as AOL, Prodigy, MSN, and CompuServe have monthly billing plans that must be applied to a customer’s major credit card or telephone bill. Payment by check is also an option, however, your ISP provider applies a surcharge. Fee based ISPs benefit people and companies who have a need for high capacity, high-speed, and a broad range of features. Providers like AT T and MSN offer wireless service plans, so consumers have the option of accessing the Internet through their laptops or personal PDAs (Fusco, 2000b, pars. 4-6). In determining which ISP is best, one should consider cost, speed, availability, and technical support. The content of the ISPs website, personal services, and customer satisfaction should also be considered. Choosing a High-Speed Modem Technology: Cable vs. DSL Of course, there is much more to achieving high-performance Internet access than just choosing a fast computer and an Internet Service Provider, as one will also need a connection capable of handling all of this bandwidth. Recently, there are new emerging technologies that will allow you to access information over the Internet at blinding speeds. Today, one can choose between new high-speed subscriber lines, such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or Cable Modem, which enables one to access information over 10 times faster than the 56K modem. To utilize DSL will require a DSL-capable modem, which connects to the phone lines already present in the home. Installing DSL is a bit tricky. Although there are installation kits available, it is easier to have the phone company install the service, since installation requires a few components needed for avoiding interference while using the modem and telephone at the same time. The cost of installing DSL runs between $50-$100, while the monthly service fee averages about $80 per month, and includes an ISP (PC World, 2000, May, p. 106). DSL is not yet offered in all areas, however, a recent survey from The Yankee Group estimates that 21% of US households will have access to DSL shortly (PC World, 2000, May, p. 104). Cable Modem is another high-speed solution for accessing the Internet. Cable Modem technology offers similar performance as DSL, yet the technology is a bit different, as it utilizes the existing television cable in the home. Like DSL, Cable Modem access will require a special modem and can be installed by the consumer, or by a local cable company. Expect to pay approximately $100 for the installation, while the monthly service fee averages about $50 per month (PC World, 2000, May, p. 106). The Yankee Group estimates that 41% of US households will have access to Cable Modem technology, which is limited to those households already equipped with cable television services (PC World, 2000, May, p. 104). 87% of Cable Modem users and 86% of DSL users are satisfied with the performance, according to a PC World survey (PC World, 2000, May, p. 116). While the monthly service fees are more for DSL, as compared to Cable Modem, the fees are expected to normalize as the technology becomes more widespread. In reviewing these high-speed technologies, the choice begins to shift from choosing between DSL and Cable Modem, to choosing between either of these two, along with any of the new computers. Summary This study reveals that to gain high speed connectivity, any of the new computer hardware choices are adequate. The key to high speed information access is now governed by your connection, where this situation was revered just a few short years ago. DSL and Cable Modem both offer substantial performance improvements over conventional 56K Internet access. Either choice enables high-speed Internet access, which will be a vital component as more and more on-line information begins to congest the information pipeline. To truly gain high speed Internet access, one must incorporate either of these new modem technologies, along with their choice of hardware, which should be based on one’s individual needs. References Businessweek Online website. (November 15, 2000) The Palm is Mightier†¦, [Available] Retrieved March 31, 2001, from the World Wide Web: Fusco, P. (1999, December). Jupiter: Free ISPs won’t replace dial-up access (16 paragraphs). InternetNews – ISP News Archives, [Available] Retrieved March 31, 2001, from the World Wide Web: Fusco, P. (2000a, May). AT T Wireless Debuts Free Wireless Internet (15 paragraphs) InternetNews – ISP News Archives, [Available] Retrieved March 31, 2001, from the World Wide Web:,,8_356751,00.html Fusco, P. (2000b, September). J.D. Powers Ranks Big Six ISPs (19 paragraphs). InternetNews – ISP News Archives, [Available] Retrieved March 31, 2001, from the World Wide Web:,,8_460761,00.html Overton, R Goavec, P. (May 2000). PC World – Broadband or Bust, Volume 18, Number 5. 102-108, 112, 116 Palmgear website. (Copyright 2000, Corp), [Available] Retrieved March 31, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Biology Essays Factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics

Biology Essays Factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics An essay on the factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics and the challenges managing these populations. Introduction The Neotropics includes Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean and Southern Florida and it also hold the greatest amount of standing forests. These wooded wildlands are mosaic in a variety of green that together add up to some 1.37 million acres. Mammals in these areas are affected by several factors which affect their livelihood and sustenance. As a result, any of these species are either being extinct or reduced. Mammals are described as any of a large group of warm-blooded vertebrate animals characterized by having mammary glands in the female, which is used for suckling the young. Other features includes hairs which are very reduced in some species such as whales, a middle ear formed from three small bones (ossicles), a lower jaw consisting of two bones only, seven vertebrae in the neck and no nucleus in the red blood cells. Mammals belong to the class Mammalia. They are divided into three groups. Eutherians (Placental mammals), this is where the young develop inside the mother’s body in the uterus and receives nourishment from the blood of the mother via the placenta. The Marsupials (Pouched mammlas), where the young’s are born at an early stage of development and develop futher in a pouch on the mother’s body where they are attached to and feed from a nipple and the final group being, Monotremes (Egg- laying mammlas), this is where the young hatch from an egg outside the mother’s body and then nourished with milk. The monotremes are the least evolved and have been largely displaced by more sophisticated marsupials and placentals, so they are only a few types surviving platypus and echidna. Placental mammals have spread to all parts of the globe where they have competed with marsupials; they have in general displaced the marsupial types. However, marsupials occupy many specialized niches in South America and especially Australia. There are over 4000 species of mammals, adapted to almost every way of life, with the smallest shrew weighing 2g/0.07oz and the largest the whale up to 140 tons. According to the Red list of endangered species published by the World Conservation Union for 1996, 25% of mammal species population is threatened with extinction. The Red list of endangered species is a scientific assessment of the status of the world’s animal species. Although it carries no legal force this international compilation is seen by many scientist and conservationist as a warning of global decline in the wildlife biodiversity. The report also sates that 24 of the 26 orders of mammalian species are at the brink of extinction globally with an excess of 50% of the neotropical mammalian species. A leading cause of this decline in population is due to habitat degradation and destruction which is mostly due to human population and economic development, such as, over hunting, pollution and deforestation. There is also the introduction of non native species that plays a significant threat to mammalian species survival along side climatic changes. This assignment will discuss the factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics and also I will seek to list the challenges managing these populations. Factors affecting mammals of the neotropics Humans are the chief cause of neotropical mammalian loss. They destroy the plants which provide food and also shelter for the animals and also hunt for them and utilize their meat as food and their skin for clothing. Plants are generally taxonomically diverse and omnipresent. They function as primary producers hence; they are the most critical components in the maintenance of a vibrant functional mammalian population. It provides food for almost all mammals, coverings for numerous organisms, stabilize water sheds functioning and also provide a variety of other critical ecological functions such as stabilizing the earth’s oxygen content and nitrogen fixation which are vital for the animals’ survival. Most of this destruction by humans (a mammal) occurs to clear land for agriculture and cattle grazing, even though much of the forested land is inappropriate for farming or ranching. Cutting down of the plant removes most of the nutrients from the ecosystem, leaving soil tha t will only be able to support intensive agriculture for a couple of seasons. Over the past decade, Large-scale forest fires, timber extraction by local and foreign companies, mining, the building of dams, and population growth have also made significant contributions to forest loss in the neotropics. Population growth and economic expansion have led to the construction of new roads and buildings that both physically and ecologically fragment the forest, reducing its vitality. The now plantless lands or once forested areas are subsequently being used for the construction of homes, and consequently animals are being forced to migrate form these areas resulting in reduction in the species population. Habitat fragmentation could result in the loss and strain on the mammalian population. Some animals can benefit from the fragments of land while others may not. Depending on the size of the island patches large animals like jaguars can find it very difficult to obtain sufficient food for their survival. Many mammals such as manatees, cows, pigs, and sheep just to name a few are hunted and used by humans for food purposes. In addition to be hunted for food purposes some animals are hunted primarily for clothing and ornamental purposes. Wildlife trade also reduces the population or destroys the habitat of many neotropical mammals. Wild life trade is the third largest illegal trade in the world and it has an estimate of $1 billion on the Brazilian market alone. It affects most of the species that are officially listed as endangered species. As it relates to Brazil wildlife animals are officially being held in captivity including the threatened species such as the golden lion tamarin and the capuchin monkeys. Over the years, penalties have been enforced on poachers and people who obtain the wild animals. Mammals that are being taken out of their natural habitat are being trained and used as game animals for exhibition and economical purposes. Neotropical environments are also threatened by intensifying and poorly planned developments. Such development has resulted in ecosystem devastation. Pollution of rivers, beaches and other water beds by industrial, municipal and human waste has resulted in the loss or illness of many aquatic mammals such as dolphins. In the most industrialized country, Brazil, pollution in the area has often resulted in acid rain over the forest remnants. Fires such as campfires and accidental forest fires play a critical role in the depletion of the species. Noise pollution also plays a part in the disturbance of mammals’ population especially underwater noise pollution which is a disturbing problem that is quickly degrading the ocean life. This type of pollution can be described in many ways, simply because the ocean is filled to the brim with loud noises coming from various sources for example, military sonar, used for defensive and research purposes, fishing boats, merchant ships, research vessels, and oil rigs. Some of these noises are as a result of human activity. The increase of noise in the ocean has adverse effects on marine mammals in almost every aspect of their life, one of which is their behaviour. In order to communicate with each other, many species of whales depend on hearing calls from other whales. These calls can easily be hidden behind acoustic masking from sounds in the same frequency ranges. For example, the calls of baleen whales (humpback, blue, fin, and grey whales) are frequencies that range from 20 to 500 Hz. Sonar and even natural sources frequencies of sounds can mask the calls of whales and other marine mammals and significantly alter their natural behaviors. This noise can also cover other behaviors such as dolphin special echolocation skills used for navigational purposes, foraging for food, and communication within the specific group members. You can get expert help with your essays right now. Find out more The building of roads and other building can divide biomes and isolate many animals in the neotropics through the clearing of trees. Road traffic also causes pollution and also kills many of the animals. Many highways and buildings have been built without necessary environmental impact reports, and many are left unfinished, leaving neighboring areas vulnerable to severe erosion, that can have negative outcome on the animals’ survival. Climatic changes can also have impacts on the species population. High environmental temperatures can lessen male fertility by damaging or killing sperm, While, it can also trigger blood flow changes that reduce the flow of blood to the uterine tract, damaging or killing developing embryos in females thus lowering, their fertility rate. All the above factors can have and is having a great impact on the neotropical mammal population. Challenges managing the factors affecting the neotropic mammal population Although neotropical mammals, are faced with many challenges in dealing with their continuous existence, various managing schemes are being put in place to prevent these hazardous impacts to control their population. Conservation projects have being established in selected areas in an attempt to reverse the trend in declining population sizes. These projects play a vital part in the development of ecotourism in almost all parts of the neotropics and also the protection and conservation of various animal species. In terms of ecotourism development, tourists will have to pay to visit areas with interesting natural and cultural features. Conservationists from the various projects can also work along with local communities to educate people about the value of the wildlife in the area, to eliminate illegal hunting and to assist communities in developing farming and logging methods that are habitat and also animal friendly. The implementation of national parks and other private organizations can also play a part in conservation activities that can help to eradicate and protect the neotropical animals who lives are at stake. In addition to the development in ecotourism, the establishment of protected areas can also play a part in protecting the species diversity. Protected areas establishment will tend to have important economic as well as social function in conserving biodiversity. Captive breeding is another managing scheme which can help with this. It focuses on the reproduction of rare animals in captivity. The legal practice of captive breeding increases the population of many endangered species world wide. Species that are being held captive in this way can serve as a demographic and genetic reservoir for the species. Examples of few neotropical mammals held captive are the golden lion tamarin the capuchin monkeys, seals manatees and wildcats such as jaguar. A penalty of a fixed amount should be enforced to the various people of the different regions who practice the illegal capturing and use of the animals in the wild for their own purposes such as exploitation and over hunting. In 1975, the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) treaty prohibited international trade on most wild cats and was dramatically effective in curtailing trade of jaguar skins. In closing it can be noted that a wise approach towards the neotropical regions can be of great importance in the conservation of the animals species diversity. Although many of these approach are being taken by humans (a mammal), much more measures should be put in place try and curb this situation, because they are some heartless people who are still practicing these unlawful activities and should be punished for their heartless actions. With this in place there will be a rich mammalian population not only in the neotropical regions but also other parts of the world. References Lindley, David (1998) Webster’s New World Dictionary of Science, Helicon Publishing Limited Whitmore, T.C. (1998) An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests, Second Edition Oxford University Press New York date accessed 2008-02-26 date accessed 2008-02-26

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparison Of Mary Shellys Frankenstein To Movies And Tv Shows Frank :: essays research papers

Comparison Of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein to Movies and TV Show's Frankenstein There have been many misgivings about the book Frankenstein. In movies and T.V. Frankenstein is portrayed as a monster. This monster will not stop at anything to hurt or destroy others. He usually has a green hue to his complection and has bolts coming out the sides of his neck. The bolts symbolize the way the monster was brought to life, through electricity. Also he usually wears a black suit with black pants. This shows the darkness that surrounded the monster. In most of the movies and T.V. shows, Frankenstein walks like a zombie moving very slowly. In T.V. shows and movies, Frankenstein was portrayed as being very stupid. He was unable to talk or read. The monster would just rome the world looking for people to torment. But, in the movie "Frankenstein, with Boris Karloff, the monster befriended a blind man. I think he had this friend because the man could not see the face of the monster. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein was very different from the movies and T.V. shows. For one thing the monster was not even called Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created the monstrosity. Before the doctor created the monster he was a work of art. "I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful!," this is what Victor said when he saw the monster before it was alive. Afterwards it was the ugliest thing the doctor had laid his eyes upon. Unlike the movies, the monster was very nimble and could do anything an actual living human could. The monster chased after Victor in the wastelands to exact his revenge for his being. Nobody would love or care for him so he decided to kill Victor as an act of revenge. The intellect of the monster was much greater in the story than in all the T.V. shows and movies. He was able to read books and talk like any other human. The monster composed poetry which was very beautiful.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Open Boat Essay -- essays research papers

Open Boat Symbolism allows writers to suggest their ideas within a piece of literature. This is found in most types of writing. Stephen Crane expresses this in his short story, The Open Boat. Through symbolism and allegory, it is demonstrated that humans live in a universe that is unconcerned with them. The characters in the story come face to face with this indifference and are nearly overcome by Nature’s lack of concern. This is established in the opening scenes, the â€Å"seven mad gods† and in the realization of the dying soldier. The descriptions that Crane uses in the opening scenes illustrate nature’s lack of concern for their tragedy. He discusses the waves in the ocean that continually roll and crest. The waves are problems or situations that are unavoidable; moreover, the â€Å"waves† continue to flow one after another towards the poor rowers. Also, the â€Å"birds sat comfortably in groups, and they were envied by some in the dingey† because the bi rds were indifferent towards the sailors’ situation. They were sitting happily as if nothing was going on around them. The sailors were envious of this because they were forced to confront nature’s trials. The sun continues to rise and set daily, maintaining this routine regardless of what occurs in the world. The shore is also â€Å"lonely and indifferent.† This indifference causes the men to feel a certain isolation from nature. The men feel as if fate (the â€Å"seven mad gods†) controls their destinies. Their thoughts are given: â€Å"If I am go...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Impact of ICT on Home and School Activities :: ICT Essays

The Impact of ICT on Home and School Activities In this essay I will how explain how ICT has affected my life. I will how I use ICT in my life and how it has helped me. I will explain my first four important ICT applications that help me make my life easier. These are the Internet, E-mail, Messenger and Word Processing. These help me in all ways such as perfecting my homework help me get in touch with friends and family. ICT is used everywhere in life such as my home which are in many electronics such as DVD, Digital Television, Mp3’s. ICT has made my life such easier and has had a very big impact because it gives me a better understanding of how things work in life. Home/School personal Microsoft Word Software Word processing has made me perfected in my presentation in my school work such as coursework and homework and writing letters. A word processor is a program which lets you write a piece of writing using tools such as spell check, dictionary, thesaurus which you can access in a click of a button. To word process you will need to use a keyboard which has the whole alphabet and numbers which you press make words on the computer screen. Since I have used a keyboard for a long time I keep on improving by tying skills which helps me write letters very quickly. By using a keyboard is very faster than using a pen and paper which is why I greatly use word processing. Another reason I use word processing is that if you were writing a letter you have made a mistake you will have to use tipex to clear you’re mistake but with a computer you can erase any mistake without the use of tipex which helps your presentation. Another reason I use word processing is that you can print as many copies of your work without the need of rewriting your piece of writing. To do my word processing you will need to us a program.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Benefits of Jumma Prayer

Hadhrat Ali Ibn Abu Taalib (RA) narrated: on the pulpit in the mosque of Kufah: When Friday comes, the devils go to the markets with their flags, and involve people in their needsand prevent them from the Friday prayer. The angels come early in the morning, sit at the door of the mosque, and record that so-and-so came at the first hour, and so-and-so came at the second hour until the imam comes out (for preaching). When a man sits in a place where he can listen (to the sermon) and look (at the imam), where he remains silent and does not interrupt, he will receive a double reward.If he stays away, sits in a place where he cannot listen (to the sermon), silent, and does not interrupt, he will receive the reward only once. If he sits in a place where he can listen (to the sermon) and look (at the imam), and he does not remain silent, he will have the burden of it. If anyone says to his companion sitting besides him to be silent (while the imam is preaching), he is guilty of idle talk. A nyone who interrupts (during the sermon) will receive nothing (no reward) on that Friday. Then he (the narrator) says in the end of this tradition: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say so. Abu Dawood 1046) 1. Jummah preparations should begin on Thursday such as clipping the nails, removing of the hair etc (Ihya aul-Uloom, vol. 1, page 161) 2. To have a bath (Ghusl) (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) On one Friday, Rasulallah said: â€Å"O Muslims! Allah Ta'ala has made this day a day of Eid. So have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the Miswaak. â€Å" (Ibn Majah) 3. To use Miswaak (Ibid) 4. To use Attar (Perfume) (Ibid) 5. To wear nice clothes (Abu Dawood, Chapter of Ghusl on the day of Jummah) 6. To proceed early as possible to the Masjid for JummahRasulallah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that Masjid in which Jummah salaat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the Masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah. â€Å" (Bukhari and Muslim) 7. To walk to the Masjid if possible for every step is a reward of a years Nafl Fast (Tirmidhi) 8. One should listen very attentively to the khutba even if one does not understand. One should not speak or even warn another to keep quite while the khutba is in progress. 9. To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam. (Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi) 10. If the Saffs (rows) are already filled, one should not jump over the shoulders of the musallies in order to get to the front. Abu Dawood) 11. One should not fiddle with clothes or fingers but listen attentively (Ibn Majah) 12. When Rasulallah (Pbuh) name is mentioned in the khutba then it is permissible to recite durood in the heart only without the movement of the lips or tongue. 13. Between the two khutba’s one should make dua. It is permissible to make dua without raising hands or moving the lips (I. e. dua should be made in the heart only without the movement of the lips or the tongue) (Aadaab -E – Zindagee) 14. To read: Surah Al A’ala (Sura no 87) in the first rakaat of Jummah Salah nd Surah Gaathia (Surah no 88) in the second rakaat. (Bukhari) 15. Related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id â€Å"Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays. † (Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al- Habir) 16. Rasulallah (Pbuh) is reported to have said, â€Å"Recite Durood upon me in abundance on the day of Jummah since they are presented to me. † (Ibn Majah) 17 . Making abundant dua on Jummah Rasulallah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"There is such an hour on Friday that if any Muslim makes dua in it, his dua will definitely be accepted. † (Bukhari, Muslim) 18 .Reciting Durood 80 times after Asr: According to a Hadith recorded in Tabarani on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) : Abu Hurraira (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) said: â€Å"Whoever recites the following Durood eighty times immediately after Asr Salaat on Friday, before standing up from his place, Allah will forgive eighty years of sins and grant him the reward equivalent to eighty years of worship. † Allahumma salli alaa muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa-ala aalihi wasallim tasleema O Allah bless Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them best of peace. Jame Sagheer) 19. Abu Hurraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: The five daily prayers, and from one Jummah to the next, are an expiation for whatever sins come in between, so long as one does not comm it any major sin. (Muslim, 233) 20. It was narrated from Abu Hurraira that the Prophet (Pbuh) said: Whoever does Ghusl then comes to Jummah, and prays as much as Allah decrees for him, then listens attentively until the khutbah is over, then prays with him (the imam), will be forgiven for (his sins) between that and the next Jummah and three more days. Muslim, 857) Al-Nawawi (Ra) said: The scholars said that what is meant by his being forgiven between the two Jummah and three more days is that a good deed is worth ten like it, so he will be rewarded with ten rewards for each of the good deeds that he did on Friday. Some of our companions said: What is meant by what is between the two Jummah is from Jummah prayer and the khutbah until the same time on the following Friday, so that it will be seven days, no more and no less, then three days are added making ten in all. 21. Coming early to Jummah brings a great reward.Abu Hurraira (Ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"Whoever does Ghusl on Friday like Ghusl for janaabah, then goes to the prayer (in the first hour, i. e. , early), it is as if he sacrificed a camel. Whoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; whoever goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour it is as if he offered an egg. When the imam comes out, the angels come to listen to the khutbah. † (Bukhari, 814 and Muslim, 850) 2. If a person walks to Jummah prayer, for every step he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year. It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: Whoever does Ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do Ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year. † (al-Tirmidhi, 496 ) Ibn al-Qayyim (Ra) said in Zaad al-Maa’aad, 1/285: Finally after quoting the hadith which speak of the virtues of Jummah prayer:What we have quoted, when taken all together, indicates that the expiation of sins from one Friday to the next is subject to all the conditions mentioned above being met, namely doing Ghusl, cleaning oneself, putting on perfume, wearing one's best clothes, walking in a calm and dignified manner, not stepping over people, not pushing between two people, not offending others, praying nafil prayers, listening attentively and avoiding idle speech. May Allah give us the ability to act upon all of these virtuous deeds and Sunnah of Rasulallah (Pbuh). Ameen  ¦

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Conflicted Society Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Chinua Achebe challenges the reader to actively engage in the analysis of issues raised throughout the text. Achebe brings the issue of tradition versus change to the forefront of Umuofian society for the reader to examine. Achebe shows the reader the gradual downfall of the main character, Okonkwo, through his refusal to accept change in his society. Achebe also brings about the controversial issues dealing with masculinity in Umuofian society. Okonkwo rejects anything that he feels is â€Å"womanly† and thus seals his own demise. Achebe shows the reader that acting â€Å"manly† doesn’t necessarily make one a man. By simplifying the issues within Umuofian society and the conflicted Okonkwo, Achebe paints a clear picture of the consequences of closed-minded societies, and the people who exist within those societies. Okonkwo and his Umuofian society are strong believers in tradition, and continually ignore the need for change throughout the novel. In a deal with a neighboring village, Okonkwo becomes the illegitimate father to a boy named Ikemefuna. Over time, Okonkwo comes to accept the boy, finding him to be an ideal son. While Okonkwo is fond of the boy, he never shows any affection toward Ikemefuna. After three years of living with Okonkwo and his family in Umuofia, Ikemefuna is murdered by the man that he treated as his father and other men in the village simply because the â€Å"Oracle† told a village elder that the boy must die. Rather than challenge what his society is doing, Okonkwo goes along with his clansmen and takes part in the death of Ikemefuna. In his dying moments, Ikemefuna runs to Okonkwo for protection, but Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna because he refuses to question the ideals of his fellow villagers, and does not want to appear weak. After Okonkwo is exiled from Umuofia for accidentally killing another young man in the village, the reader still sees a reluctance to embrace change in society. Now living in his motherland, Mbanto, Okonkwo and his family are met with missionaries that have travelled to the village to share Christian beliefs with the villagers. The missionaries preach about the danger of worshipping false gods. The villagers reject the missionaries’ beliefs, simply because it is not what their fathers and grandfathers believed. The people of Mbanta cling to their pagan religion with complete closed-mindedness, rejecting the Holy Trinity and any other beliefs that differ from the traditional beliefs of their ancestors. Reverend James Smith, who is the leader of the missionaries, has his church burned to the ground because one of the villagers who converted to Christianity unmasked an egwugwu during a pagan ceremony, which the villagers believe to be the same as killing an ancestral spirit. Rather than be open-minded to other religions and beliefs, the villagers reject anything that is not what they are used to believing. They burn down Reverent Smith’s church to get rid of the villagers, and the new ideas that they preached. Okonkwo is not accepting at all of anything that seems feminine to him.   Okonkwo sets very strict boundaries with his daughter, Ezinma, simply because she is female. Even though it is his daughter, Ezinma, that knows her father the best, and that Okonkwo feels closest to, he keeps her at arms length. The feelings that Okonkwo has for his daughter are illustrated in the passage that states, â€Å"Okonkwo was very lucky in his daughters. He never stopped regretting that Ezinma was a girl (Achebe 172)†. Because Ezinma was a girl, even though she probably understood her father the best of any of his children, he pushed her away and avoided a close, loving relationship with her simply because of her gender. By pushing away Ezinma, Okonkwo is passing by a great opportunity to get to know his daughter and have a closer relationship with her. Simply because she is a female, he rebuffs her attempts to have such a relationship with her father. Another example of Okonkwo’s intolerance for â€Å"womanly† things is within his relationship with his son, Nwoye. Nwoye decides that he is going to go against his father’s wishes, and join the missionaries. Upon learning of Nwoye’s decision, Okonkwo sits down with his sons and tells them that, â€Å"I will only have a son who is a man, who will hold his head up among my people. If any one of you prefers to be a woman let him follow Nwoye now while I am alive so that I can curse him (Achebe 172)†. Okonkwo would rather drive away his own flesh and blood than to have them be who they really are, and accepting them for all that they are, and all that they aren’t. By pushing away his son simply because his aspirations differ from those that Okonkwo would have for him, Okonkwo is creating a very large crack in the foundation of his family. Once a child is told that his father isn’t proud of him, it is very difficult to rebuild any relationship. Okonkwo would rather maintain a â€Å"manly† appearance than accept his family for who they are. Chinua Achebe’s novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† addresses the always controversial issue of tradition versus change, and shows his readers how a failure to be open-minded and accepting of new ideas can lead a one into a vicious cycle of making mistakes. Achebe also addresses the issue of masculinity versus femininity in the novel. Through the actions of his main character, Okonkwo, the reader realizes that simply because a man is â€Å"tough† does not necessarily mean that he is a good, respectable man, even if he is highly regarded within his own society. Achebe’s novel brings these issues that exist within African society, and allows the reader to see the consequences of rejecting change through the absolute demise of the main character of the story, Okonkwo, and the subsequent effects of rejecting new ideas and beliefs on society in general. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor Books, 1994.